Installed so far 258.023MW






About us

We have many
years proven
experience in

the renewable energy sector and construction services worldwide. We are committed to delivering high quality engineered solutions in a safe and environmentally friendly way.

We offer a variety of services to our clients

from labour only to full turnkey solutions. We are flexible, adaptable in our approach to the varying challenges and provide a refreshing outlook in overcoming problems with minimal ease.

Our team consists of multi-national personnel all unique with each bringing a special talent and skill to us. Our focus is on delivery at site level complimented by a core support team utilising the very latest technologies and systems.

We adopt the very highest QA control and health/safety practices throughout every area of the business


From concept to creation. Turning ideas into action.


Adaptable people open to change for the better.


Making Technology Work for us to deliver better.


High performance. High Excellence. A commitment to quality.


Safety by Choice, Not by Chance. We never give safety a day off.

What we do

We provide services and expertise in the following areas.


Assessment of the practicality of a proposed project/plan. Economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations.


Preparation works on a site in readiness for the first stage of development.


Multidisciplinary engineering services.


Complete execution of all works required to complete a project part of full scope.


Our goal is to provide consumers with the highest quality products by assuring their performance, consistency, safety, and value.


Application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.


Process verification and documenting that all of its system components and assemblies are designed, installed, tested and operated to meet the project requirement of individual units and systems.


Corrective, preventive, emergency, replacement, etc., maintenance done on equipment assets directly contributing to a Facility Maintenance mission.

Client Testimonials

Senerca was truly a collaborative partner; working with us in a cost effective, efficient and quality construction product. The knowledge of the Senerca team was truly a value add to the overall success of our build-out project. On time, on budget and we had fun!”

Senerca’s efforts were instrumental in getting this project onto a successful track after all the stops, starts and design changes we had along the way. I was beginning to think that “on time and on budget” was some fictional concept until you came on board. My only regret is that we did not contract with you sooner and let you handle the project from its inception/design phase all the way through completion.”

Senerca definitely understood the "team approach" to the project and was a "team player" when it came to meeting the budgets and schedules while still maintaining the integrity of the project design"

Dedicated to delivering sustainable solutions

Our Csr Commitment & Values

We recognise that everything we do contributes to these extremely important outcomes, so we are committed to challenging ourselves against a number of standards and policies to ensure we are exceeding our legal, moral and corporate obligations to all; our customers and suppliers, local and wider communities, our employees, and the environment.

As well as our policies, we believe in maintaining a strong set of values which define the culture  of our business and how we interact with others:

INTEGRITY – Acting truthfully, honestly and ethically in all our activities

INCLUSIVITY AND OPENNESS – Inviting and respecting the contributions of all through  teamwork and valuing diversity

COMMITMENT – Always desiring to do more and exceed the expectations of our customers  and ourselves

QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE – Striving to continuously improve and develop to ensure quality  and innovation in all respectsThese values underpin our commitments to our stakeholders, and ensure that all of us at Senerca can continue to be proud of our ethical, responsible and sustainable business.

The policies which contribute to our corporate social responsibility commitment are:
